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5 Facts Tampa Bay Business Owners Need To Know About Radio Advertising

Oct 17, 2019 2:15:00 PM / by Larry Julius

Advertise In Tampa Bay  5 FactsTampa Bay small business owners have depended on radio advertising to market their goods and services since 1922.  That's when the Tampa Times newspaper put the first local radio station, WDAE, on the air.

Today, there are 27 radio stations that serve the five counties of Tampa Bay. Each provides a unique blend of music, information, and entertainment.  Some stations focus on politics or sports. Some play country music. Some play the hits. Some play classic rock. Some are on the AM dial. Some are on FM.

When WDAE began broadcasting, there were no TV stations in Tampa. Those would come 29 years later. Also, there was no social media, YouTube, Sirius/XM, Pandora, Spotify, or smartphones. Each of those would be products of a new Millenium.

With an overabundance of advertising options now available to small business owners, does advertising on Tampa radio still make sense?  Here are five facts that serve to answer that question.

1. Tampa Radio Reaches More Consumers Than All Other Media

Last week, 2.2-million adults tuned-in to a Tampa radio station.  That equates to 89% of all consumers.  No other local advertising medium has that type of reach.

Advertise In Tampa Bay Media Reach Among Adult ConsumersReach, according to Nielsen, is the single most potent media component of any advertising campaign. As it relates to creating sales increase, reach is more important than brand, recency, target, or context.

Regardless of what some local business owners may assume, radio's reach is dominant among all consumers, including Tampa Bay millennials.

Millennials Tampa Bay Media Reach

2. Tampa Bay Consumers Mostly Use Radio Outside Of Their Homes

According to Nielsen, 87.6 of radio listening in Tampa Bay happens while consumers are at work or in their cars.

Tampa Radio Listening Locations

Tampa radio's immense away-from-home listening can be very valuable to area business owners because cars put consumers in proximity to local retailers.

A study by USA Touchpoints, a cross-platform measurement company, studied the time-lapse between audio media use and time of purchase. Radio was, by far, used most often within one half-hour of a purchase.

Advertise In Fayetteville Media Used Prior To Purchase

3. Advertising On Tampa Radio Can Influence Search Engine Clicks

Each month, according to Nielsen, 1.9 million Tampa Bay consumers depend on search engine results to inform purchase decisions. A study by Fleishman Hillard, a global marketing company, found that 89% of purchase decisions begin with research on sites like Google, Bing, or Yahoo.

A typical Google search, though, can return information about hundreds if not thousands of different companies, products, and services. 

For instance, a Google search for plumbing companies in Tampa Bay returned more than 12,900,000 results. So, which result are consumers most likely to click-on?

Tampa Free Radio Commercial

According to a study by Red C, a research-based consultancy service, 82% of respondents selected search results that contained companies they were already familiar with.  This decision was made irrespective of where the result ranked on the page.

Advertising on Tampa radio can be critical to instilling the type of familiarity that creates valuable clicks.

Last week, for example, Tampa radio stations reached 90.5% of all local adults who performed a Google search. This was far greater than the number of consumers who were reached by all other local advertising options.

Small Business Advice: Google Use In Tampa Bay

4. Advertising on Tampa Radio Reaches The Vast Majority of Consumers Who Use Other Media

Most Tampa Bay small business owners are constrained by budget to which advertising options they can use for marketing their goods and service.  

Although almost every medium can add value to a company's advertising mix, costs can limit the choice to just one or two.

Advertising on Tampa radio, though, has the unique ability to reach at least 90% of all consumers who utilize other media. 

For example, in Tampa Bay, local radio reaches 93% of all consumers who read a local newspaper and 92% of everyone who watches local TV.

Tampa Bay Radio Reaches Users of Other Media

5. Tampa Radio Has The Largest Reach Among Black and Hispanic Consumers

Black and Hispanic consumers represent a sizable portion of Tampa Bay. According to Nielsen, these two populations comprise 28% of the adult population and will contribute $22.9 billion in spending to the local economy.

To claim a share of this very lucrative market requires Tampa Bay small business owners to advertise. By any metric, local radio is the best way to reach Black and Hispanic consumers.

For instance, last week, 91.7% of Black and Hispanic consumers tuned-in to a Tampa radio station. This is considerably more than watched local TV, read a newspaper, used social media, or logged-in to a streaming audio site.

Tampa Bay Radio Reaches Black and Hispanic Consumers

More Great Advertising Advice For Tampa Bay Small Business Owners

Learn How To Advertise On Tampa Radio

Topics: small business owner, Television Advertising, best way to advertise, reach, advertise on tampa radio, advice, in-car advertising, facebook advertising, social media advertising, facts, google, hispanic consumers, black consumers

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