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Best Way To Advertise In Tampa Bay: Furniture & Mattresses

Feb 23, 2023 9:57:18 AM / by Larry Julius

Over the next 12 months, according to Nielsen, 337,945 Tampa Bay area households plan to buy furniture and mattresses. Based on a per capita forecast from Furniture Today, these expenditures will total $1.29 billion during 2023, a $23.5 million dollar increase over 2022.

Although the forecast growth of furniture and bedding sales is expected to moderate a bit versus 2021, what retailer would not want to grab a share of the multi-million dollar category growth this year?

To capture a bigger share of the increased spending on chairs, couches, beds, tables, and mattresses will require local stores to invest in marketing. And according to most key metrics, the best way to reach local furniture buyers is with advertising on Tampa Bay radio.

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Topics Return On Investment, ROI, reach, radio advertising, retail stores, home furnishings, furniture, mattress, Retail Sales, Retailer, retail, reach & frequency, advertising reach, retail spending, advertising return on investment, advertising roi

Tampa Bay Furniture Retailers Expect A Post-Pandemic Rebound

Jul 10, 2020 6:06:40 AM / by Larry Julius

Before the onset of COVID-19, more than 430,000 Tampa Bay households were planning to spend $859 million on furniture, according to Nielsen. Unfortunately, many of those plans were put on pause as consumers sheltered in place to help slow the spread of the virus.

A recent study by Elevate | SmithGeiger suggests that the fortunes of home furnishing retailers, however, are about to improve.

According to the study, 32% of consumers who had been planning to buy furniture will do so within three months of the pandemic easing. Fifty percent will do so within six months. The numbers for mattress shoppers are even stronger.

To capture a significant share of the post-pandemic sales of furniture and mattress will require retailers to advertise. The most effective way to reach the customers who are ready to buy is on Tampa radio.

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Topics small business, small business owner, store traffic, best way to advertise, radio advertising, retail stores, small business advertising, furniture, mattress, Retail Sales, Retailer, retail, advertise on radio

Advertising In Tampa Bay: Reaching Furniture Buyers

Jan 15, 2020 1:50:42 PM / by Larry Julius

Low unemployment, a boom in housing starts, and confident consumers are propelling robust sales for Tampa Bay furniture stores.

In 2019, local consumers in the Tampa area spent $1.3 billion on furniture and home furnishing. This number is expected to grow.

Based on estimates developed by Furniture Today’s Strategic Insights team and Easy Analytic Software Inc. (EASI), the total furniture and bedding market is projected to expand by more than 22% by 2024.

If a Tampa Bay small business owner who sells furniture, furnishings, or home decor would like to grab a larger share of this expanding market, then advertising is necessary.  By almost every key metric, advertising on local radio is a sound marketing investment.

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Topics Real Estate, small business, small business owner, Television Advertising, best way to advertise, radio advertising, retail stores, social media advertising, newspaper advertising, consumer spending, home decor, home furnishings, furniture, mattress

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