West-central Florida business owners have depended on Tampa radio to market their goods and services since WDAE, the city's first radio station, went on air in 1922. Despite the advent of new media and technologies since then, advertising on local radio stations is still the best way for the area's 123,853 small business owners to create and maintain customers.
Here are five facts every business owner should know about advertising on Tampa radio in 2022.
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To ensure success, every Tampa Bay business owner needs to advertise.
"Think you have a great product?" asks the US Small Business Administration. "Unfortunately, no one’s going to know about it unless you advertise.”
The SBA goes on to say, “Advertising, if done correctly, can do wonders for your product sales, and you know what that means: more revenue and more success for your business.”
There are dozens of ways for local small business owners to advertise. By most metrics, the best way to advertise is on Tampa radio. These measures of effectiveness, however, are often obscured by the glimmer and glitz of newer technologies.
To help reduce the glare that often blinds business owners to the potency of advertising on Tampa radio, here are the top five things many local business owners get wrong.
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Spanish Radio,
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To maximize success, every Tampa Bay business owner needs to advertise.
"Think you have a great product?" asks the US Small Business Administration. "Unfortunately, no one’s going to know about it unless you advertise.”
The SBA goes on to say, “Advertising, if done correctly, can do wonders for your product sales, and you know what that means: more revenue and more success for your business.”
According to the US Census Bureau, there are 123,853 small businesses in the Tampa Bay area. This geography includes Tampa, St. Petersburg, Clearwater, and every point in between. Most of these diminutive companies have limited dollars to invest in advertising.
Advertising successfully in Tampa Bay is achievable, though, with a small budget if the available funds are invested wisely. Oftentimes, this means selecting one medium rather than spreading money over several.
So which medium makes the most sense for small business owners with limited budgets? By most key advertising metrics, advertising on Tampa Bay radio is the best option.
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reach & frequency,
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advertising return on investment,
Advertising is crucial to the success of Tampa Bay business owners. According to Investopedia, "lack of adequate marketing and publicity are among the issues that drag down small business".
According to Borrell Associates, a company that tracks advertising trends across the country, Tampa Bay business owners are expected to spend $1.9 billion to advertise the goods and services they sell. This represents a 6.9% increase versus last year.
The majority of these dollars are being spent by Tampa Bay business owners to capture a significant share of the $46.3 billion dollars local consumers will be spending this year. These estimates are based on a revised forecast from the National Retail Federation (NRF).
Of course, there is an over-abundance of ways a local business owner can advertise. Perhaps the best way to generate sales from local consumers is with Tampa Radio. Here are the top five reasons why...
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radio advertising,
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tampa small business owners,
small business advertising,
millennial parents,
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advertising reach,
time spent listening,
advertising return on investment
Since 1922, advertising on Tampa radio has helped small business owners survive and thrive during times of peril. This includes world wars, natural disasters, depressions, and recessions.
Even during a pandemic, by almost every key marketing metric, radio advertising remains the best way for a Tampa Bay business to market its goods and services.
To prove the point, here are five statistics that vividly demonstrate the value of advertising on Tampa radio.
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listening location,
online shoppers
There are 47 radio stations with listeners in Tampa Bay. Each provides a unique format of news, sports, music, entertainment, and inspiration. Some stations broadcast in English. Others serve Spanish speakers. Some stations cater to millennials. Others appeal to Baby Boomers. No doubt, there is a local radio station that fulfills the preferences of every listener.
Each week, according to Nielsen, 2.2 million adults tune-in to their favorite Tampa radio stations. This is more people than watch local TV, cable, or streaming channels. This is more than use Facebook and Instagram. This is more than read newspapers or connect to Pandora and Spotify.
Despite the abundance of Tampa radio stations to choose between, Nielsen reports that, on average, adult consumers only listen to 2.8 each week. So, which stations do local consumers choose?
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millennial parents,
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radio formats
There are 716,000 adults in the Tampa Bay area who have earned a four-year college or postgraduate degree, according to research from Nielsen. A study from the Federal Reserve indicates that these educated consumers have been least affected by the economic consequences of the pandemic.
"While the labor market disruptions have affected workers in a wide set of industries and occupations, those without a college degree have experienced the most severe impact," say Mary C. Daly, Shelby R. Buckman, and Lily M. Seitelman authors of The Unequal Impact of COVID-19 in the Economic Letter published by the Federal Reserve of San Francisco.
Although the unemployment rate increased among consumers of every education level in late February when the Governor of Florida lockdown the state to slow the spread of the Coronavirus, the smallest increase was among those with bachelor or postgraduate degrees, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics.
Seven months later, job recovery among those with college degrees is closer to pre-pandemic levels than consumers with lower levels of educational attainment.
Many small business owners have seen the correlation between advertising and survival during the economic crisis inflicted by the pandemic. With precious few dollars to invest, it is crucial that every advertisement reaches consumers who have disposable income to buy. Right now, the most likely spenders are customers with college degrees.
By key advertising metrics, the best way to reach consumers with higher education is on Tampa radio.
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radio advertising,
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college graduates,
small business marketing,
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Tampa radio reaches more area adults every week than any other medium. During a typical seven-day period, according to Nielsen, 2.3 million local consumers tune-in to their favorite AM and FM stations. This is significantly more than those who watch broadcast television, subscribe to pay-TV, browse social media, read a newspaper, or stream music from Pandora and Spotify.
Radio's omnipresence in the life of Tampa Bay consumers is remarkable considering today is the medium's 100th birthday.
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radio advertising,
radio commercials,
advertise on tampa radio,
effective radio commercials,
advertise on radio,
reach & frequency,
advertising reach,
radio history
If you were one of the 2.3 million adults who tuned-in to a Tampa radio station last week, then no doubt you heard multiple commercials that included phrases like 'troubling times', 'uncertain times', 'unprecedented times', 'new normal', and 'we're in this together'.
In March, as the pandemic began to disrupt consumers' lives, using these phrases was a powerful way for Tampa Bay small business owners to acknowledge the severity of the crisis and to exhibit empathy. But 120 days later, these words have become cliche and have lost potency.
A cliche, says the Oxford Dictionary, is "a phrase or opinion that is overused and betrays a lack of original thought."
According to the Writing Center at The University of North Carolina, the dependence on cliches could create a harmful perception of a business that uses them. For instance, these overused phrases can make an advertiser's message seem boring. They can be perceived as vague. They can be interpreted to be a sign of laziness. They can also result in a lack of credibility.
The words a Tampa Bay small business chooses for its advertising will have the most significant effect on sales. That's why eliminating cliches is critical.
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small business advertising,
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writing radio commercials,
Mark Twain has some script writing advice for Tampa Bay small business owners who depend on radio advertising to market their goods and services.
"The difference between the almost right word and the right word is really a large matter - 'tis the difference between the lightning-bug and the lightning," advises Mr. Twain.
In other words, fill your commercials with lightning, not bugs!
Currently, according to the Oxford English Dictionary, there are 171,476 words in the English language. A handful of these words, Tampa Bay small business owners can't use in their radio commercials. The Supreme Court of the United States says so.
Of all the words that can be used in broadcast advertising, however, there is one word that should be shunned: 'get' and all of its nasty derivative forms including 'got' and 'gotten'. Here's why.
The typical 60-second commercial on Tampa radio consists of 160 words. Depending on the station, each word in that ad could cost around $3.00. It is important, then, that each word is carefully selected to engage listeners and then compel them to action. This is especially crucial when using verbs.
"One of the best ways of grabbing and keeping an audience is to use strong, descriptive verbs," says the Writing Center at the University of Houston. 'Get' is not that kind of verb.
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radio advertising,
radio commercials,
tampa radio,
tampa radio stations,
retail stores,
advertise on tampa radio,
advertise in tampa bay,
advertising in Tampa,
effective radio commercials,
how to advertise