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Business Owners Recruit Blue Collar Workers on Tampa Radio

Jul 3, 2019 6:40:00 AM / by Larry Julius

Forty-percent of contractors nationwide report that they have turned down jobs this year because they don't have enough skilled blue-collar workers. In Florida, over one-third of contractors say they would add 25 more employees this year if they could recruit qualified candidates.

The labor crunch isn't confined to construction. Overall, half of all Tampa Bay employers say they are having difficulty hiring enough blue-collar employees to fulfill the increasing demand from customers. This includes truck drivers, plumbers, HVAC technicians, electrical workers, machinists, metal workers, landscapers, janitors, and mechanics.

Tampa Bay business owners can benefit from a study by The North Carolina Works Commission. The NCWC found that the recruitment efforts of many employers in that state are failing because they depend on hiring strategies from a time when qualified candidates were plentiful.

These failing strategies include posting on job boards like Monster and Indeed; publishing employment ads in local newspapers; and pleading on social media pages. Some small business owners still depend on hanging help-wanted signs.

What many local business owners on the west coast of Florida have discovered is that the best way to recruit blue-collar workers is by advertising on Tampa Bay radio stations.

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Topics small business, small business owner, Television Advertising, best way to advertise, reach, radio advertising, radio commercials, tampa radio, tampa radio stations, tampa small business owners, advertise on tampa radio, advertise in tampa bay, advertising in Tampa, advice, effective radio commercials, recruitment advertising, passive job seeker, radio recruitment advertising

Successful Advertising: Tell Stories on Tampa Radio Stations

Jun 18, 2019 7:18:00 AM / by Larry Julius

The Greek philosopher Plato was born 2170 years before there were radio stations in Tampa Bay.  There's no doubt, though, he could have written some great commercials.

Plato once said, "Those who tell stories rule society." This quote sounds very familiar to rule #7 for creating a memorable commercial for Tampa radio:

Rule #7: Tell a story… listeners are hardwired to emotionally respond to features and benefits when presented in story-form rather than as a list. The advertiser should be the hero of the story.

Lee Habib wrote in the National Review a few years ago, "Stories are packed not with hard data but with something far more powerful: emotional data. That’s why we remember them and why they’re so easily transported, even through generations. Stories stir our souls."

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Topics small business, small business owner, best way to advertise, reach, radio advertising, radio commercials, tampa radio stations, tampa small business owners, brand building, advertise on tampa radio, advertise in tampa bay, advertising in Tampa

Do Teens Listen To Tampa Radio Stations? Yes!

Jun 11, 2019 3:39:00 PM / by Larry Julius

Marketers call them Generation Z.  Tampa Bay small business owners call them teenagers.  Whatever 12-17 years old are called, they live in homes cluttered with video games, smartphones, and tablets. They have easy access to Snapchat, YouTube, Instagram, and hundreds of other apps their parents have never heard of.

What may come as a surprise to many local business owners, despite an over-abundance of media options, Tampa radio stations dominate teenagers' media consumption.

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Topics small business, small business owner, Television Advertising, millennials, best way to advertise, reach, radio advertising, tampa radio, tampa radio stations, tampa small business owners, advertise on tampa radio, advertise in tampa bay, advertising in Tampa

10 Reasons A Tampa Bay Small Business Might Fail

May 20, 2019 7:40:00 AM / by Larry Julius

Some of the bravest people in Tampa Bay are small business owners.  These hearty entrepreneurs invest their passion, their hope, their time, and, of course, their money despite the odds.

According to the Small Business Administration (SBA), the good news is that 80% of small businesses make it through the first year. After that, though, only about half will make it to their fifth anniversary. Even fewer, 33% will keep their doors open for ten years.

CBInsights performed an analysis to determine the top ten reasons small business owners fail.  I have included the entire list. But, of particular importance, is reason #8, "poor marketing". This subject will be discussed in more detail because this is where advertising on Tampa radio stations can help business owners not to fail.

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Topics Return On Investment, ROI, Home Improvement, Frequency, small business, small business owner, top of mind, Bakery, recall, reach, radio advertising, tampa radio, tampa radio stations, tampa small business owners, retail stores, Hispanic radio, Spanish Radio

What Is The Best Way To Advertise in Tampa Bay?

Apr 29, 2019 7:40:00 AM / by Larry Julius

If you don't have time to read this entire article, then I will tell you right now. The best way for any Tampa Bay small business owner to advertise is on Tampa radio.

A key function of advertising is to build mental availability, which nudges a consumer toward the purchase of a product or service. It also serves to provide public notice that a product or service exists and is available for purchase.

Consumers in the Tampa Bay area are expected to spend at least $54 billion at retail this year. To claim a greater share of this giant pool of cash requires local business owners of every size to advertise their goods and services. As Professor Jef Richards at Michigan State University points out, “Advertising is totally unnecessary…unless you want to make money."

The bottom line: It is difficult for anyone in Tampa Bay to purchase a product or service from a local business owner if they aren’t aware of it.

There are many ways for local area small business owners to advertise. Options include local newspapers, local magazines, local television, and online. But to achieve the “3-Rs” of advertising success, Reach, Recall, and Return, no other medium delivers results as effectively and efficiently as advertising on Tampa Radio.

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Topics Return On Investment, ROI, small business owner, recall, best way to advertise, reach

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