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Advertising In Tampa: Reaching Millennial Parents

Feb 15, 2020 8:01:00 AM / by Larry Julius

How quickly the millennials have grown up.

According to Nielsen, 55% of all Tampa Bay parents with children under the age of 18 are millennials.  

From the time their kids are born until they reach they are 17, these young parents will, spend, on average, $233,000 per child. This does not include the cost of college.

Currently, there are 621,198 children under the age of 18 living in Tampa Bay. That means the local millennial-parenting economy is worth upwards of $144 billion. These dollars are being spent, among other things, on diapers, daycare, transportation, toys, education, electronics, clothing, and health care.

For Tampa Bay small business owners interested in competing for a substantial portion of this multi-billion dollar pool of parental cash, they must advertise to millennial moms and dads. By almost any measurement, advertising on Tampa radio is the best way to reach this audience.

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Topics small business, small business owner, Television Advertising, millennials, Spotify, pandora, best way to advertise, radio advertising, advertising to mothers, social media advertising, newspaper advertising, millennial parents, children, kids

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