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Does Anyone Listen To Tampa Radio At Night?

Mar 9, 2021 4:06:16 PM / by Larry Julius

Each week, according to Nielsen, more than 2.2 million adult consumers tune-in to a Tampa radio station. This is significantly more than watch local TV or cable. More than stream video channels like Netflix or Hulu. More than read local newspapers. More than use Facebook or Instagram. More than listen to online audio services like Pandora and Spotify.

But almost everyone knows (including many who advertise on Tampa radio) that consumers only listen to local radio stations during the day. Right? Wrong!

According to Nielsen, 46% of local consumers listen to Tampa radio stations each week between 7:00pm and 12:00am. This is a larger audience than Pandora, Spotify, and Instagram combined reach during an entire week.

For Tampa small business owners, radio's immense nighttime audience offers a unique value proposition.

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Topics small business, small business owner, prime time, time of day, tampa small business owners, advertise on tampa radio, small business advertising, radio listeners, night, effective advertising, advertise on radio, small business marketing

How To Buy Advertising On Tampa Radio On A Budget

Nov 26, 2019 8:34:45 AM / by Larry Julius

Over the next 12 months, Tampa Bay consumers are expected to spend $59.3 billion at retail.  To capture a larger share of this cash,  local small business owners should consider advertising.

The US Small Business Administration recommends that every Tampa Bay small business advertise consistently.  “Think you have a great product?” asks the SBA. “Unfortunately, no one’s going to know about it unless you advertise.”  The SBA goes on to say, “Advertising, if done correctly, can do wonders for your product sales, and you know what that means: more revenue and more success for your business."

Local business owners have depended on radio advertising to market their goods and services since 1922. This was the Tampa Bay Times put the first local station, WDAE, on the air.

Today, Tampa radio, by any key advertising metric, is still the best way for business owners to reach local consumers.

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Topics Co-op, Cooperative Advetising, small business, small business owner, time of day, best way to advertise, radio advertising, commercial length, effective advertising, indexing, quality vs. quantity, advertise on a budget

What is the Best Time to Advertise on Radio In Tampa Bay?

Apr 11, 2019 6:40:00 AM / by Larry Julius

You've done the research. You now know that by every measure, radio advertising is the most effective way for your Tampa Bay small business to market its goods and services.

You have learned, for instance, 2,193,604 consumers regularly tune-in to their favorite Tampa radio stations.  That's more than 90% of all adults.

You've also learned that, on average, adults spend almost two hours per day listening to Tampa radio.

If you dug deep enough, then you know radio advertising delivers, on average, a $10 lift in sales for every $1 invested. This is a remarkable ROI for any Tampa Bay small business owner.

What you may not have figured out, however, is what is the best time of day to advertise on Tampa radio?

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Topics prime time, daypart, time of day

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